Choral and Vocal
“And Feed His Sheep” vocal solo & piano
A Cycle of Rhymes SATB chorus & piano (1981)
“The Dying Californian” from Pioneer
Sampler*# SATB chorus, male soloist, & piano
“I Wonder As I Wander” (arr.) SATB chorus &
piano (1995)
“A Jolly Wagoneer” from Pioneer
Sampler*# TTBB chorus & piano (1985)
“Not My Will, But Thine” from The
Atonement SATB chorus & piano (1973)
Psalms of Nephi* SATB chorus & piano (string
orchestra accomp. available) (1991)
“St. George & the Drag-On” from Pioneer
Sampler* SATB chorus & piano (1985)
“Sisters” from Pioneer Sampler* SSA
chorus & piano (1985)
“Sparking On A Sunday Night” from Pioneer
Sampler* SATB chorus & piano (1985)
“Sweetly Sing” children’s Christmas song
“What Are the Shepherds Doing?”
children’s Christmas song (1979)
“Whoa Haw Buck” from Pioneer Sampler*
SATB chorus & piano (1985)
“Winter Song” from Pioneer Sampler*
SATB chorus & piano (1985)
Hymn Settings for Chorus
“An Angel From On High”*# SSA chorus &
piano (organ) (1980)
“Come, Come Ye Saints” from Pioneer
Sampler*# SATB chorus, soprano & tenor soloists,
piano (1985)
“I Stand All Amazed” SATB chorus & piano
“A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief” SSA chorus,
flute, violin, piano (2002)
“Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire”
TTBB chorus & piano (organ) (1996)
“Restoration Hymn” (Pond) SATB chorus &
piano (organ) (1975)
“Silent Night” soloist, SATB chorus & piano
“Ye Simple Souls Who Stray” (“A Hymn of
Peace”) SSA chorus & piano (1976)
(* = commissioned works or award winners; # =
recorded or broadcast works)
Price information is available on request.